GGC ITEC 4860 Software Development Project course is our students’ final capstone course for the Software Development concentration. Here are some notable projects from this semester:

  1. RosterSniper - Notifies students via email when there is an opening in a filled class, built with Python, Django, jQuery, PostGRESQL (open)
  2. FreeRunners - Multiplayer 3D platform game built with Unreal Engine (published on Steam Store)
  3. Next Step Planning - Task planner mobile app built with Flutter (more info)
  4. Meet me in the Middle - App to find middle point to meet, built with React Native (TestFlight)
  5. Pet Matchmaker - Find the right pet for your lifestyle, built with React (open)
  6. Final Knight - 2D platformer game built with Unity (open)
  7. GGC 2D Adventure - 2D top-down scroller game featuring the GGC campus (see at Unity Play Store)
  8. Animaps - An animal exploration web app, built with React (open)
  9. Meditation App - Web app built with Angular (open)
  10. Vivace - iOS music player app than can make playlists from multiple sources, such as Spotify and Apple Music (TestFlight)
  11. Pricemania - Product price visualizer using API lookups (open)
  12. Conquest of Atonement - Singleplayer 3D exploration game built with Unity
  13. DogBase - A dog information database website
  14. EZ Market - Investment-themed web app
  15. MetaHub - Meta shopping site