GGC ITEC 4860 Software Development Project course is our students’ final capstone course for the Software Development concentration. Here are some notable projects from this semester:

  1. hexOlogy - Puzzle game (published on Steam page)
  2. Food for Tots - Food menu mobile app for kids on Autism spectrum (available on Android from the Google Play Store page)
  3. Pocket Pals - 2D top-down adventure game (original source and demo, also see Fall 2020 improved version)
  4. BrightspacePro - Browser extensions for improving user experience in D2L for students and professors (source and published extensions grade-append, assignment-feedback, and Brightspace calendar on Greasyfork)
  5. Parking Master - Car parking lot management website via RFID scanning hardware sensor (source and demo site)
  6. Kake Circle - Baking mobile app (source)
  7. EZJapanese101 - Language learning mobile app (source and demo video)