These projects were developed during the ITEC 3870 Software Development 2 course taught by Dr. Cengiz Gunay in the Fall 2017 semester by Georgia Gwinnett College students. Each project was commissioned and supervised by a GGC professor who provided the idea, requirements, and direction throughout the semester. Final products were demonstrated and tested by other students and faculty at the GGC CREATE symposium. Click on titles to see their demo sites.
Developed by Team TripleJ: Jessica Sok, Joseph Tsegaye, Jose Moreno
Directed by client,
Dr Jon Rees
Lipid-Lator is a mobile application for the Android platform currently available on the Google Play Store. This application was designed for Dr. Jon Rees who needs this application to be able to perform daily tasks at his current employment. Due to the nature of the app, it can also be of use to many people around the world as it is a utility application. With Lipid-Lator, one is able to calculate the abbreviation, formula, and monoisotopic molar mass of over 97 million different combinations of lipids. All of the data is completely offline so there is no need for any internet connection at all. This application can and will help many chemists easily and rapidly find the information they need.
Technologies: Android app using Android Studio, works offline, calculates molar masses of over 97 million different combinations of options
Developed by Team Adventuras: Bryan Yeap, Matt Soucy, Robert Westervelt, Nilaja Williams
Directed by client, Assistant Professor in Arts Catherine Moore, students Michael Deiters and David Rivera Rocha
Predictive Search Functionality: Provides multiple solutions based on current input by the user. User input can be at any place within the provided solutions. Safety Mode: Provides an overlay of safety related items. Items include AEDs, Fire Extinguishers, Fire Alarms, Trauma Kits, and Safety Shelters. Event Information Tab: Provides event information related to events held on GGC campus. Event list changes depending on the building being accessed. Provides events up to 2 weeks ahead of current date. Functional Service Worker: Checks all cache versions in the users browser and deletes any old versions. Additional files for cache. Updated Building Legend: Add locations and building labels. Turns off if parking legend is on, vice versa.
Technologies: Single page application, HTML/CSS, Sass, Javascript, Grunt, SVG, Selenium and BrowserStack testing
Developed by Team NavBenders: Maryam Najiarani, Richard A Williams Jr, Joseph Pelletier
Directed by client, Assistant Professor in Arts Catherine Moore, students Michael Deiters and David Rivera Rocha
Continuing previous project. Search Function properly works in all buildings and now for 3000 building. An updated look to all parking lots with accurate handicap, staff/faculty parking, etc. New updated legend for all parking lots.
Technologies: Single page application, HTML/CSS, Sass, Javascript, Grunt, SVG, Selenium and BrowserStack testing
Developed by Team XenaMorphs: Laura Arevalo, Cat Windham, Charneaka Lewis, Magdalena Ledezma, Chinelo Obiamalu
Directed by client, Assistant Professor of Chemistry Thomas Gluick and Assistant Professor of Information Technology Cengiz Gunay
To create a user-friendly, simple web-based game that aids chemistry students in their learning of molecular nomenclature.
Technologies: Javascript, Phaser, MongoDB, mLab
Developed by The Drone Zone: Reuben Boima Massaquoi, Afeefa Firdaus, Brian Bailey
Directed by client, Associate Professor of Mathematics Matthew Stackpole (left GGC in Dec 2017)
Create an application that can control an AR drone via a controller. Log data in a csv file: X velocity, Y velocity, Z velocity, Altitude, Pitch, and Roll. Motivation - Graph and use the data to create math problems for students.
Technologies: Python, AR Drone, Sony PS1/2 game controller, Pygame, Python tkinter/tcl.
Developed by Steven Beteag, Gabriel Mezquita, Tony Neese, Matthew Xiong
Directed by client, Associate Professor of Mathematics Matthew Stackpole, and Associate Professor of Mathematics Keith Erickson
Our team was tasked, to develop an mobile application for the IOS/Android to control a drone. The application must be user friendly, because our main audience will be students who are taking Dr. Stackpole and Dr. Erickson’s calculus section. The application must also record time, Velocity x/y/z, pitch, roll, Yaw, Altitude. Each data collection will be unique to each student who use the application, and will be used to make their very own calculus problems. Dr. Stackpole hopes that this will change his student’s view on calculus, and hope they will enjoy the subject.
Technologies: Python, Qt, AR Drone
Developed by Team Tech Challenged: Anjan Panchatcharam, Armando Gonzalez, Eric Jenkins, Brendon Serrano
Directed by client,
Assistant Professor of Chemistry Thomas Gluick
Our purpose was to create a game that would make learning basic chemistry fun, interesting, and enticing for any user looking to learn. The game would primarily be focused upon chemical reactions.
Technologies: Unity, C#, Unity Collaboration Tool, Unity Test Tools
Developed by Team disabledTech: Aaron Knobloch, Jeff Graves, Tobin Michael Crone
Directed by client, IBM Advisory Developer/X-Force Security Scott Warfield
Remote Shortcuts for the PC. Server/Client bluetooth connection interface. Graceful shutdowns and reconnects on both server and client. Data IO via connection on both server and client. Server execution framework constructed. Dynamic button creation framework constructed.
Technologies: Electron, C#, Bluetooth, Android, Java
Developed by Team Mercury: Alek Gartland, Chelsea D'Alessandro, Sierra Williams, Waylon Lao
Directed by client, Student Hailey Montgomery
Continuation of project from Spring 2017 Software Development Project course. Changes: Database - Hosting, Amazon Web Services (AWS); UI/UX Complete redesign of entire site, Style: minimalist modern, Colors, Image assets; Pages: Blade template & usage, JavaScript, Bootstrap, → CSS ←
Technologies: Amazon AWS (Elastic Beanstalk 2, Simple Email Service, Relational Data Service), PHP, Laravel, HTML/CSS, Javascript
Developed by Matthew Coker, Norman Soucie, Kevin Stevens, Janna Timmer, and other.
Directed by client,
Assistant Professor of Information Technology Sebastien Siva
Project-Review is a website platform that enables professors to assess their students through a peer review process. It allows a professor to hold multiple classes with students imported from D2L or manual invitation. Using an algorithm that makes sure no two students review each other is essential to making this website’s purpose effective and efficient.
Technologies: PHP, HTML/CSS/Javascript, MySQL
Developed by The Brogrammers
Directed by client,
Dr Shelby Fencil Shuler
SmartVid is an educational platform designed to enable professors to create a more interactive learning experience by uploading videos to be viewed by their active classes. The benefit of SmartVid is that the videos created by the professors will be tailored toward the classes they teach, providing a personalized resource where students can access the material their professors are teaching. Additionally, professors will be able to monitor the activity of their students via progress bars showing how much of the video (and which part) the students have viewed. This will be coupled with periodically introduced quizzes as the video is viewed, designed by the professor(s). A professor would then be able to decide what action would be taken if the student fails the quiz (IE: the student must re-watch the video, the quiz must be immediately retaken, etc.).
Technologies: PHP, Bootstrap, HTML/CSS, Javascript