Angular Services (includes video)

ITEC 3870 Software Development II,
Christopher Martinez

(License: CC BY-SA 4.0)

Prev - Angular Routing, Next - React Workshops

Watch video with rest of the slides here:


  • Install NodeJS

  • Command Prompt/Terminal
    • Check node version using the node –v command
    • To check if you have npm run the npm –v to see if it is installed
    • npm install -g @angular/cli to install all Angular CLI
      • NOTE: The command above installs all necessary dependancies
    • Type ng version to check the version of Angular CLI

  • We will use VSCode and Git Bash for this workshop

Download content

  • git clone

  • Command Prompt/Terminal:
    • cd Desktop/demo/SID
    • code .
      • NOTE:this command is to open VSCode through the command line/terminal
    • npm install then npm install -g npm
      • NOTE:this command is to install npm and get the latest version into the folder you have cloned from the repository
    • ng serve -o
      • NOTE:this command is to open the html to the browsers
My Repository

Why is this code wrong?

  • D.R.Y. - Don't Repeat Yourself
    • Making copies of the code can use up a lot of memory
    • Revisiting multiple classes to change the same code can be time consuming
  • Modeling - grabbing and Manipulation of Data
    • This is where we interact with the database/communicate with the controller

Angular Service Information

  • It is a class that focuses on a specific purpose.
  • Its purpose is to:
    • share data through many components at once.
    • use as a backend in angular to test code.
    • give the possibility to connect to a database if needed

Lets get started

  • Making a student.service.ts file (picture needed...)
    • in order to provide the student data, we need the service to handle that
      aspect of the code.
  • Making a "Server" using the Http Request and an Observable
    • You will "get" an http request to the "server" to then return as
      an observable to student.service.ts and to the list
      and details components.
How it works


  • add import { HttpClientModule } from '@angular/common/http';
  • Add HttpClientModule under imports
  • Add StudentService under providers
How it works

Declaring Dependencies for Service

  • in the student.service.ts under the constructor's parameter, type
    private http: HttpClient and the import.
    • This uses the local variable http to reference the HttpClient
  • Make a get request
    • This will help when having a URL to get the data from the database. Since we
      don't have a server we will make one in Angualr using JSON.

Data Folder

  • Under asset make a data folder and make a JSON file name students.json
  • After that copy and paste the data below and delete the one from
    student-list & student-details
  • [
     {"id": 1, "name": "Chris", "age": 21},
     {"id": 2, "name": "Denzel", "age": 21},
     {"id": 3, "name": "David", "age": 21},
     {"id": 4, "name": "Danielle", "age": 21},
     {"id": 5, "name": "Josh", "age": 21},
     {"id": 6, "name": "Anne", "age": 21},
     {"id": 7, "name": "Anca", "age": 21},
     {"id": 8, "name": "John", "age": 21} 
location to add the json data

Make a URL

  • Making this URL will direct it to the JSON file in the data folder
  • If there is a URL that actually works, or another place in your code that needs to be called, add it into the single quotes


  • if you hover over the get() method it returns an observable so we need to be
    casted to match an array of students format in order for it to work.
    • create an interface named student.ts and add the code below.

export interface StuInterface {
    id: number;<br>
    name: string;<br>
    age: number;<br>

  • going back to the student.service.ts add the StuInterface[] to the
    get and the getStudents() will return an observable of Stuinterface[].


  • We need to subscribe to the data so that we can retrieve it.
    • add private _studentService: StudentService in the constructor parameters
    • Add this._studentService.getStudents().subscribe(data => this.students = data);
      in ngOnInit().
    • This goes for both student-list and student-details html.


  • As we see if we add something to the json file, it should add it to both pages and there is no need for repeating code.