Intermediate Agile Software Development

Version 0.8.0

Lectures and other resources for teaching and learning about software development

Assgn 6a

Assgn 6a (team) - CREATE abstract

Instructor Instructions:

  • This assignment should be posted on the class platform to allow all students to see each other entries. This will help them work with their teammates..
  • Suggested time: 3-5 days

Posting for Students:

General CREATE event:

When: Thu Nov 12th, 2-3:15 pm

Where: online

By Oct 7th, we need to receive one abstract from each team. You can post them below as a follow-up. Information you need to include:

Project title:

Student names:

A short abstract (max 150 words):

Here are 2 example abstracts:

VSEPR Venture

As part of our Software Development II course with Dr. Cengiz Gunay, we have been working on VSEPR Venture. In VSEPR Venture, the player is given the name of a molecule and given the task of collecting atoms and correctly putting them in a molecular structure that represents that molecule. The game contains many levels and varying difficulties to help the player learn basic concepts of the VSEPR theory.


As part of our Software Development II course with Dr. Cengiz Gunay, we have been working on ChemXplosion. In ChemXplosion, the player is given a puzzle and given the task of collecting the right element and correctly putting them in the equation right. The game contains many levels and varying difficulties to help the player learn basic concepts of Stoichiometry.

Details on the schedule and the rooms will be announced later.

Last updated on 20 Dec 2020
Published on 23 Nov 2019
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