Intermediate Agile Software Development

Version 0.8.0

Lectures and other resources for teaching and learning about software development

Assgn 3a

Assgn 3a (team): Projects descriptions & team formations

Instructor Instructions:

  • This assignment should be posted on the class platform to allow all students to see each other entries. This will help them form teams.
  • Suggested time: during class or end of the day of the class

Posting for Students:

This is the list of projects available to work on this semester:

  1. Project 1 title



Technology, if any:

  1. Project 2 title



Technology, if any:

Please read the project description (we will discuss them briefly in class) and decide on which project you would like to work on. Also, select your own team and convince your team to work on the project (we will work on this in class). Then, decide on the team name and post it below, along with the names of the team members and the project name. Chose a meaningful fun team name; it will be your Github project name. We will use this for naming the Discord channel and Github team code repo. Give exact spelling.

Rule: Teams must be at least 3 and up to 4 people. Exception; to be a 5-person team, you really need to justify why you need so many people. That doesn’t mean “oh this project is so big!”, you have to clearly separate the work into different members. While teams of 2 will be allowed under some circumstances, I highly suggest to avoid them, since projects have many tasks and you will get easily overwhelmed by the amount of work.

Post under the format:

Project name:

Team name:

Member 1:

Member 2:

Member 3:

Member 4:

Last updated on 20 Dec 2020
Published on 23 Nov 2019
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