Spring 2017 Software Development 2 Course Projects

These projects were developed during the ITEC 3870 Software Development 2 course taught by Dr. Cengiz Gunay in the Spring 2017 semester by Georgia Gwinnett College students. Each project was commissioned and supervised by a GGC professor who provided the idea, requirements, and direction throughout the semester. Final products were demonstrated and tested by other students and faculty at the GGC CREATE symposium. Click on titles to see their demo sites.

Event Photos

AtomPuzzler - Learn chemistry for fun!

Developed by Matt Nelson, King Lo, Caleb Sears, and John Lam

Directed by client Dr. Thomas Gluick

College-level gamified learning tool for chemical naming and molecular geometry.

Technologies: Website created using GameMaker Studio. No database or backend.

CellPhysics42 - A Cellular Automaton Demo and Visualization Tool

Developed by Michael Holtmann, Jory Alexander, and Bess Burnett

Directed by client Dr. Kenneth Sales

Can visualize 1-D and 2-D rules as 2-D triangles and 3-D pyramids, respectively.

Technologies: Java application with JavaFX GUI and 3D visualization. 3-D models were also printed using a 3-D printer.

GGCmaps - Search rooms. Find rooms. Don't get lost in A (even offline!)

Developed by David Rivera-Rocha, Josh Gerth, Carlos Pacheco-Perez, Margaret "Maggie" Muse

Directed by client Dr. Catherine Moore & Michael Deiters

Webapp that allows finding GGC campus rooms from their numbers (second semester).

Technologies: Progressive webapp that can work offline with a custom Javascript front-end. It requires no back-end to function. It can save itself as a desktop shortcut on mobile platforms.

GGRA Website - A new design for the Greater Gwinnett Reentry Alliance website

Developed by Team Monstars: King Oruga, Joshua Tran, Peter Odeojo, William "Matt" Smith

Directed by client Karen Klett, Koko Hunt, and Dr. Lana McDowell

Reintegration, restoration, and reentry of returning citizens.

Technologies: Website with HTML/CSS/Javascript frontend and an ASP.Net backend using C#. SQL Server database.

InternApp - Kickstart your career! Apply now!

Developed by Team DaSquad: Robert Bryan, Blake Norman, Khaled Asad, and Michael Cawton

Directed by client Dr. Latanya Hammonds-Odie (Biology) and Dr. Lissa Pollacia (IT)

Online applications for ITEC 4900 and BIOL 4800 internship courses (second semester).

Technologies: Website with EJS templating in the frontend, Express+Node.JS in the backend with MongoDB hosted on mLab.

PicturePerfect - A cinematography and photo teaching app

Developed by Alain Hirwa, Anwar Saleeby, and Neal Klemenc

Directed by client Dr. Lyndsay Gratch

Learn the basics of cinematography and photo composition

Technologies: Mobile app with Ionic 2. No backend or database. Not on app markets yet.