These projects were developed by Georgia Gwinnett College students during the ITEC 3870 Software Development 2 course sections taught by Dr. Anca Doloc-Mihu and Dr. Cengiz Gunay in the Fall 2018 semester. Each project was commissioned and supervised by a GGC professor or an external client who provided the idea, requirements, and direction throughout the semester. Final products were demonstrated and tested by other students and faculty at the GGC CREATE symposium on November 29th, 2018. Click on titles to see their demo sites.
Based on the votes of the guests testing the apps at the symposium, here are the winning teams:
Developed by Free Radicals: Ben Jackson, William Bullock, Bruce Carson, Trivon Etheridge
Directed by client Dr. Thomas Gluick
ChemGenApp is a program/website that generates as much information regarding a chemical reaction as possible in order to assist Chemistry professors with making quizzes.
Technologies: angular6; node; html/css
Developed by Natanael V. Nistor, Yiet Mai, Ammar Huseinspahic
Directed by client Michael Holtmann
Event tracker is a web application that aims to make it easier for organizers to manage events and allow for volunteers to be able to apply for the events all on one platform.
Technologies: php; mysql; html/css
Developed by Tech Titans: Anastasia Arnold, Kidus Dawit, Billy Pridgen, Edgar Juarez
Directed by client Dr. Latanya Hammonds-Odie (Biology) and Dr. Lissa Pollacia (IT)
GGC Intern App is a website where students are able to apply for either a Biology or Information Technology internship. They also have the option to upload other documents required including their resume, FERPA form, and essays.
Technologies: node; express; ejs; mongodb; html/css
Developed by GGC Maps 3: David Hagerty, Travis Simmons, Sean Lomar Hutchinson, Alain Hirwa
Directed by client Mike Deiters and David Rivera-Rocha
GGC Maps is a progressive web application designed to help students locate rooms in the various buildings on GGC’s campus from their computer or mobile device - with or without an internet connection. New features: building W mapped (only the C3 portion and not the newly constructed wing). Safety toggle fixed and in working condition with a legend display.
Technologies: javascript; html5; sass; svg
Developed by Code Wranglers: Jared Houseman, Jake Bradberry, Paul Cardenas
Directed by client Gianluca Parilli, Joshua Tran, Chelsea D'Alessandro
GrizzlyParking is an app designed to assist with parking on GGC Campus by calculating the highest possible chance of a parking spot in different parking lots.
Technologies: angular6; ionic; firebase; html/css
Developed by S.T.A.R. Labs: Cesar M. Romero, Jose Castro, Juan Gomez, Boji Benji
Directed by client Josue Rodriguez
IDGMobile is a app designed for a church called Iglesia De Gwinnett.The purpose of this app is to share weekly messages to anyone who would like to watch.
Technologies: android; youtube-api
Developed by The Game Devs: Grace Ongchangco, Jeremiah Anderson, Lindsey Wade, Kaiser Smith
Directed by client Dr. Thomas Gluick
VSEPR Venture is a Chemistry based 2D RPG style of game. The player is given the name of a molecule and then is required to collect atoms to create the molecular structure that represents that molecule using the VSEPR Theory. The levels require the player to assess the Lewis structures and the placement of the electrons around the atom to successfully solve a particular molecule. The game features six levels, and then a test level that the player must complete to beat the game. This project was created using GameMaker Studio 2 and is written in GameMaker’s proprietary programming language called GameMaker Language (GML).
Technologies: game-maker-2
Developed by Fantastic Four: Elizabeth Haynie, Bradform Mashlum, Dionne Mitchner, Nishanth Mangineni
Directed by client External client Brian Palm, physician's assistant at Gwinnett Medical Center and Northside Hospital. Brian is a Board-Certified Chief PA of Emergency Medicine. Member of the AAPA as well as Georgia Association of Physician Assistants. Former adjunct faculty and Admissions Panel member at an accredited PA school.
We are building a mobile-friendly web application that assists with helping physician assistant students determine which schools they are eligible to get into. They can enter their GPA, GRE, healthcare hours. From there, graphs with be presented comparing them to students nationally.
Technologies: angular6; mongodb; mongoose; node; html/css
Developed by Match Makers: Breeona Day and Lauren Marsicano
Directed by client External client Brian Palm, physician's assistant at Gwinnett Medical Center and Northside Hospital. Brian is a Board-Certified Chief PA of Emergency Medicine. Member of the AAPA as well as Georgia Association of Physician Assistants. Former adjunct faculty and Admissions Panel member at an accredited PA school.
The PA School Matcher is a user-friendly application that matches prospective Physician’s Assistant school student’s information with the requirements of selected schools and the demographics of accepted students into the program to show how likely the student is to be accepted. The results are displayed as GOOD, AVERAGE & POOR as far as chances of being accepted. The system also provides feedback on how the student could improve their chances of being accepted.
Technologies: angular6; html/css